Assam Arunodoi Scheme : Apply Online

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Assam Arunodaya Yojana 2024 – The Government of Assam is coming up with several types of beneficial schemes from time to time to benefit the people of the state. The government has now started Assam Orunodoi Scheme , the scheme has been started by the Government of Assam on 1 December 2020. If you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you can apply for it, friends, in this article, we will provide you information about the application process, eligibility, documents etc. in Arunodoi Scheme Assam In Hindi, so you will get this article. Read it till the end.

assam orunodoi scheme application form

Arunodoi Scheme Assam Online Apply

This is a very good initiative of the Government of Assam to provide benefits to the people of the state. Under this scheme, every poor family in the state will be given Rs 830 per month for buying pulses, medicines, sugar. 17 lakh families of the state will be given the benefit of this scheme. Poor families of the state will be considered eligible for this scheme. Under the scheme, 400 rupees will be given to buy medicines, 80 rupees for sugar, 150 rupees for fruit fruit, 200 rupees for 4 kilograms of pulses. Under Assam Orunodoi Scheme 2024, the government will spend Rs. 2400. The amount given to the beneficiary will be directly transferred to the beneficiary’s bank account through DBT.

Assam Orunodoi Scheme Highlights

SchemeArunodoi Scheme Assam
Launched byState government scheme
BeneficiaryState public
ObjectiveHelping the public

Objective of Assam Arunodaya Yojana

There are many families in the state whose economic condition is very bad, due to deteriorating economic condition, those life goes through a critical situation. The government has started this scheme to help the poor families of the state. More and more people of the state will be given the benefit of this scheme. The government has started this scheme so that no person in the state is poor and does not depend on others to live. This Assam Orunodoi Yojana started by the Government of Assam is a commendable scheme.

Amount to be given under Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024

Assistance of Rs 830 per family is provided under this scheme, which is as follows: –

For medicines400 rupees
50% grant for 4 kg pulses200 rupees
50% grant for 4 kg sugar80 rupees
For fruits and vegetables150 rupees
The total830 rupees

Benefits of Assam Arunodaya Yojana

  • The poor families of the state will be given the benefit of this scheme so that their economic condition can be improved.
  • Those families whose annual income is very low will be given the benefit of this scheme.
  • The government will spend 2800 crores under this scheme.
  • Every year 10 lakh rupees will be given to 27 lakh families of the state.
  • The government will provide assistance of 830 rupees per month to the beneficiary family.
  • If you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you can get the application form of the scheme from its official website.
  • The amount of this scheme will be directly transferred to the account of the woman of the family.
  • Priority will be given to the disabled, widowed, divorced women of the state under Arunodoi Scheme Assam .
  • The amount given under the scheme will be given to the beneficiary for the next 5 years.
  • The next installment of this scheme will be sent to the beneficiary’s bank account on 26 December 2020.

Process of selection of beneficiary in Arunodoi Scheme Assam 2024

Under the scheme, the beneficiary will be selected at the level of village panchayat / village council development committee / urban local bodies. Money will be sent to the beneficiary’s bank account on the 1st of every month. The list of beneficiaries will be prepared by the District Level Monitoring Committee. The beneficiary will have to fill the application form, which will have to be deposited in the District Level Monitoring Committee. The application form of the beneficiary will be verified by the district-level monitoring committee, if the beneficiary is found eligible, he will be given the benefit of this scheme and the amount will be sent to his account under this scheme.

Purity beneficiaries under Arunodoi Scheme Assam

  • Handicapped
  • Separate family member
  • Unmarried women
  • Divorced women
  • Widow women

Eligibility for Assam Orunodaya Yojana

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of the state of Assam.
  • Women of the family will be given the benefit of this scheme.
  • Disabled, destitute, widowed and divorced women of the state will be given the benefit of this scheme.
  • The annual income of the applicant’s family should not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs.
  • The beneficiary woman must have a bank account.
  • AC women who are very poor who do not have any means of income will be given priority under this scheme.
  • The age of the applicant woman should be 18 years or more.

Documents for Assam Orunodoi Scheme

  • Aadhar card
  • Age certificate
  • income certificate
  • Address proof
  • Bank account passbook
  • mobile number

How to apply for Assam Orunodoi Scheme ?

If you also want to take advantage of this scheme and you want to apply in this scheme, then you must first download the application form of this scheme. To download the form, you will have to visit the official website of this scheme. After coming to the website, you have to download the application form of Assam Orunodoi Yojana. You can download the form by clicking on this link. After downloading the form, you have to enter all the information sought in the form correctly and attach the documents with this form and submit the form to the concerned department.

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