AP Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme 2024: Online Registration

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AP Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Scheme 2024 : This scheme is a scheme for employment and empowerment of new women of the state of Andhra Pradesh. In this scheme, the Government of Andhra Pradesh will provide sheep and goat units to BC / SC / ST / minority women. Women between the ages of 45 and 60 years will get these sheep and goats through the Raitu Bharsa Centers for government financial assistance. In this article, we will give you detailed information about AP Jagan Anna Jeevan Kranti Yojana, so read this article till the end.

AP Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme Online Apply : Sheep & Goat Units to BC / SC / ST / Minority Women

Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Yojana 2024

YSRCP President YS Jagan Mohan Reddy who is implementing several welfare schemes to make women self-reliant and empowered after becoming Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. After this, AP Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Yojana has been launched to benefit women related to animal husbandry and women centric scheme. The Andhra Pradesh state government will spend Rs 1868.63 crore to distribute 2.68 lakh sheep and goat units. Each unit to be manufactured under this scheme consists of either 14 sheep or goats.

AP Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Scheme Highlight

Name Of SchemeAndhra Pradesh Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme
Scheme TypeAndhra Pradesh Govt. Scheme
Launched ByCM Jagan Mohan Reddy
BeneficiariesBC/SC/ST/ Minority Women
Application ProcedureOnline or Offline
ObjectiveWomen self employment And Create Employment Opportunity
BenefitsSheep & Goat Unit with Govt. Financial Assistance
Official Websitewww.ap.gov.in

Beneficiaries of AP Jagannath Jeevan Kranti Scheme

Only women belonging to the following category can avail this scheme, ie only those women who belong to the following communities will be given benefits. Sheep and goat units will be distributed to these women. With this, only women from the respective communities who are between 45 and 60 years of age will get sheep and goats through RBK.

  • Backward Class (BC)
  • Scheduled Caste (SC)
  • Scheduled Tribes (ST)
  • Minority communities

Assistance Amount Under AP Jeeva Kranti Scheme

Under the AP Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Yojana 2024, a provision has been made to provide assistance of Rs 75,000 for each women beneficiaries. The cost of transportation and estimates are included in this financial subsidy. A unit of sheep / goat is distributed along with the assistance amount for the female beneficiaries.

AP Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme : Species of Sheep / Goat Units

Under this scheme only one unit of sheep or goat will be distributed to each beneficiary woman. According to the table given to the female beneficiary, sheep and goat of any species can be included in the units. To accomplish this objective, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with Allana Foods.

Nellore Brown
Macharla Brown
Vizianagaram Breed
Black Bengal In Goats
Native Breeds

Distribution of Units Under Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Scheme

Therefore, the Andhra Pradesh government has launched a scheme for distribution of sheep / goats with the aim of providing employment opportunities to the landless poor women. A transparent process has been devised to avoid corruption at the time of purchase and distribution of units under the scheme. Under this, units of sheep and goats will be distributed among the beneficiaries in three phases.

PhaseInstallmentTotal Units
1stTill March 202120000
2ndApril to August 20211,30000
3rdSeptember to December 202199000

Eligibility Criteria Of AP Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme

If you want to take advantage of this scheme then you have to fulfill some eligibility criteria of the scheme given below –

  • Only the permanent resident women of Andhra Pradesh can take advantage of this scheme.
  • Beneficiary women should be of BC / SC / ST / minority. This scheme will give sheep and goat units to women falling under these categories.
  • Only women related to landless families will get a letter for this scheme.
  • Note: – Before applying, please get the information on the official website about the eligibility criteria. Only the decision of the official website will be final and acceptable.

Documents For Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Scheme

  • residence certificate
  • Aadhar Card Of Applicant.
  • Any Govt. Approved identity card With Photo.
  • Bank account passbook Of Applicant.

AP Jagananna Jeeva Kranti Scheme Online Registration

No official information has been released regarding online and offline registration of AP Jagannala Jeevan Kranti Yojana. As soon as information about this will be released, we will make you available through this article. Right now all the women of BC / SC / ST and minority communities who want to avail the scheme will have to wait a bit. You can also visit the official website for more information.

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