Children are a valuable asset for any society. They constitute a very large segment of our population. As per 2011 Census, the persons below the age of 14 years account for 29% of the total population while persons between the age group 14-18 years account for another 10% of the total population.
The child’s natural place is at school and the playground. However many children are unfortunately denied these basic development opportunities in childhood. They instead get burdened with work because of poverty, irregular income streams for the family, economic shocks, ignorance, lack of access to social security, education, health facilities, food security etc. The 2013 World Report on Child Labour prepared by the ILO has observed that child labour can compromise the productive capacity of workers during adulthood and thereby constrain both national economic growth and efforts to reduce poverty.
The phenomenon of child labour is due to socio-economic compulsions. Government’s policy is, therefore, to prohibit child labour in hazardous employment and regulate their working conditions in other employment/occupations. The working children are deprived of the basic requirements for their development, such as, education, health-care, nutrition etc. The purpose underlying the Scheme is to identify child labour and to make available welfare inputs to them through voluntary organizations.

national child labour project scheme launched
The National Child Labour Policy is approve by the Cabinet on 14th August 1987 during the Seventh Five Year Plan Period. The policy is formulate with the basic objective of suitably rehabilitating the children withdrawn from employment thereby reducing the incidence of child labour in areas of known concentration of child labour.
national child labour project scheme UPSC
The National Child Labour Project Scheme is one of the schemes introduce by the Central Government as a solution for the current situation of child labour in India. It is a topic which comes under ‘vulnerable sections’ and is important for the Governance and Social Justice segments in the UPSC Syllabus.
What is Child Labour?
- Child Labour refers to the exploitation of children for any form of work which would deprive them of gaining equal access to education and a normal childhood.
- This results in the victimized child being use for mostly for physically, socially and mentally harmful work.
- India currently is home to more than 10 million child labourers, despite the various legislations and efforts taken in this direction by the Indian Government.
- The elimination of child labour is essential to achieve the set developmental goals of the government by 2030.
Grant in Aid on Child Labour
Funds under Grants-in-Aid Scheme are sanctioned directly to NGO for elimination of Child Labour in districts not covered by NCLP Scheme. Under the scheme voluntary agencies are given financial assistance by the Ministry of Labour on the recommendation of the State Government to the extent of 75% of the project cost for the rehabilitation of working children. Voluntary organizations have been receiving funds under the scheme since 1979-80. Currently, about 70 voluntary agencies are being assisted.
national child labour project (NCLP)
- The amount of assistance given by the Ministry of Labour for taking up action-oriented projects aimed at benefiting child labour and women labour will be restricted to 75% of the recurring cost of the project as per the approved budget.
- The remaining 25% of the cost including the non-recurring cost, if any, will haveto be borne by the organization concerned.
- Duration of assistance will depend on each project and will be for a maximum of 5 years and will be generally restricted to the currency of the Five Year Plan. Sanction will, however be accorded for a maximum period of three years at a time. Releasing of grants for the project after a year will be subject to fulfillment of prescribed terms and conditions.
- In the event of assistance being available from any other source including International organizations like ILO, UNICEF, etc.
National Child Labour Project Scheme pib Eligibility
The organization should be:
- A society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, or
- A public trust registered under any law for the time being in force, or
- A registered trade union, or
- A Charitable Company licensed under Section 25 of the Companies Act, or
- University/Institutions of higher learning.
In the case of a voluntary organization:
- The organization should be such that its welfare and other programmes relating to child labour and
women labour are accessible to the target group without any distinction or caste, religion or language. - The organization should be in a sound financial position and it should have the capability of executing
programmes effectively and smoothly. This organization should have three years of practical experience in the implementation of welfare Programmes.
Type of Activities -Financial Assistance for Child Labour
- Welfare of child labourers through Special Schools (in Non-National Child Labour Project Districts)
providing welfare inputs like formal education, stipend, vocational training, provision of health care and nutrition. - Preventive measures to discourage further accretion of children into employment.
national child labour project seeks
To eliminate all forms of child labour through
- Identification and extraction of all children in the project area from child labor,
- Preparing children removed from work for vocational training as well as mainstream education.
- Ensure convergence of services provided by various government departments / agencies for the benefit of the child and their family.
To contribute to the return of all fellow workers from hazardous activities
- integration into their skills and appropriate training Me. Identification and withdrawal of all fellow workers from hazardous activities / processes.
- Facilitate vocational training opportunities for such scholars through the existing scheme of skill development.
- Raising awareness among stakeholders and target communities, and orientation of NCLP and other
functionaries on issues of ‘child labor’ and ’employment of adolescent workers in hazardous services / processes and - Creation of a Child Labour Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting System.
national child labour project (nclp) scheme focuses on
- All child workers below the age of 14 years in the identified target area.
- Adolescent workers below the age of 18 years in the target area engaged in hazardous occupations / processes.
- Families of Child workers in the identified target area.
for more detail about pencil – platform for effective national child labour project (nclp) scheme click on the link,thats given below.
More Information About National Child Labour Project Scheme
After subsummed of nclp with samagra sikhya abhiyan the nclp office staff arein a dilema as to continue the office or not…If yes what step the mole is taking for their future survival. As most of the staff are at door of retirement how they are going to surv?
Please open our nclp school all india by central government because We are unhappy and out family; We are 17 year’s continue teaching the child labour students but why closed our nclp school
I am working in national child labour PROJECT vizianagaram district of andhra pradesh state since 01.11.1996
Present this project is SUBSUMED in ssa. But the ministry is not given any instructions about our project staff