Karnataka Surya Raitha Scheme 2024: Online Registration

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Karnataka Surya Raitha Scheme – As friends you know that the Karnataka government is coming up with a variety of schemes for the farmers of the state. The government has now started the Scheme for the farmers of the state. Under this scheme, the government will provide solar water pump sets to the farmers. The scheme started on 19 January 2019. Farmers will get 24-hour irrigation facility by generating electricity from solar pumps. Friends, in this article, we will get complete information about Surya Raitha Yojana such as how to apply for this scheme, eligibility, documents etc. Therefore, you are requested to read this article till the end.

Surya Raitha Scheme in Karnataka

Surya Raitha Scheme in Karnataka 2024

The Karnataka government has started this scheme for the farmers of their state under which the government will provide solar water pumps to the farmers. Under the scheme, the solar water pump along with the Mojuda irrigation pump set (IP pump) will also be replaced. In the initial phase of Scheme, the government will convert 310 IP sets into solar water pumps. The biggest feature of solar water pump is that it has the capacity to pump 1.5 times more than IP pump. These solar pumps will supply 1 / 3rd of the power grid. If you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you have to apply in this scheme.

Karnataka Surya Raitha Scheme Highlights

Name of schemeKarnataka Surya Raitha Scheme
Scheme TypeState government scheme
BeneficiaryState farmers

The purpose of Scheme

There are many such farmer brothers in the state whose economic condition is poor. Those who cannot afford excessive electricity bills. Due to lack of electricity, they are not able to irrigate their fields properly. Due to the lack of irrigation, their yield is also not good, due to which their income is not possible. Therefore, the Government of Karnataka has started the Scheme, disregarding the problems of these farmers. Under this scheme, the government will help farmers to set up solar plants, so that the farmers will be able to save electricity. They will not have to pay heavy electricity.

Surya Raitha Scheme

This scheme has been launched by collecting funds from the Central Government. Investment and State Government. In this scheme, BESCOM (Bangalore Electricity Supply Company) will recover the loan amount from the additional energy cost exported. BESCOM will send money to farmers’ account. The duration of which will be from 12 to 14 years. The advantage of this scheme will be that it will not be necessary to switch the ranchers to IP set during the night. The new solar water pump will reduce water consumption, it prevents water from going extras.

Eligibility for scheme

  • Applicant should be permanent resident of Karnataka state.
  • The farmers of the state will be given the benefit of this scheme.
  • Only the farmer who cultivates regularly will be eligible for this scheme.
  • The application should have its own land .

Documents for Scheme

  • Aadhar Card
  • Land Details
  • Residential Proof
  • Bank Account Details
  • Passport Size Photo
  • Identity Proof
  • Valid Mobile Number

How to apply for Surya Raitha Scheme

Friends, this scheme has been started right now, no information about the application about this scheme has been made public, but as soon as we get the application information about this scheme, we will inform you through this article.

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